Friday, March 5, 2010

Linked Into LinkedIn

I am flattered to discover that I already had a LinkedIn Account having brought invited by former students. A few more invitations were also awaiting my attention too. I updated my profile a little, added a few apps and joined the CILIP group.
There was an article in the "Jobs" section of the Guardian last weekend on the use of social networking sites and their use in in the world of work. I really meant to save to it, read it and use it to supplement the blog on Twitter and LinkedIn. However, it has gone for recycling and despite browsing the web for it I have not retrieved it.
I should perhaps browse the web for for some interesting articles however, I'm pushed for time; needing to return my books to the EFL, attend an openday on Community Led Planning (CLP), finish a chapter of the PhD (long term project but chapter is taking longer than it should. I blame 23 Things!), mow lawn, spoil cat and pamper husband!



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