Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Google, Pincic and Flickr

Thought I would add Laura's news to my Blog. It seems a good place to save this information so I can come back later if need and see what effect if any has on the efficacy of these resources.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Mar 02
News: Picnik has been acquired by Google
Labels: images, picnik, Week 7 Posted by Laura J. Wilkinson

In the news today: Google has acquired Picnik. I think this will be good news for Picnik: with the resources of Google behind them, they will be able to really develop their product (at the moment they only have 20 employees!).
It is not clear yet what impact this will have on the relationship between Picnik and Flickr (see Thing 8). The people at Picnik are very excited by this new development!

Note: this is not a 'Thing', just a news story which might interest you.



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