Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Tasks in Reverse - Why am I doing this?

Why am I doing this - one might well ask? It's Sunday evening and it's work tomorrow! The web connection is getting slower and slower obviously everyone else is watching IPlayer, doing their shopping online, browsing the internet and downloading the latest hits (legally of course!). And I'm trying to write this blooming blog about why I want to do 23 Things.

Yes, I really want to do 23 Things! Why? Because I want to discover what Web 2.0 applications are and explore their potential for enhancing library resources and services. I confess to being unsure as how they might contribute but I am becoming converted. 23 Things seems to offer a systematic introduction with fun tasks and the opportunity to reflect on the usefulness of the applications. 23 Things also offers a sense of community of like minded individuals struggling with the same tasks week by week. Then there is a feeling of support from those with more expertise than me. The programme assists me in actually making time to investigate Web 2.0 rather than saying I'll do it later or tomorrow and actually doing it sometime never. There are of course the added incentives of a certificate of completion and prizes - not that this blog will ever win one!


Jane on February 1, 2010 at 1:04 PM said...

What a great summary - glad you persevered with posting it!


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