Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My first post to my first blog!


Here's my first post to my first ever blog. It's far from perfect I know. I am going to waste lots of time personalising it I can see - but what the heck cataloguing can wait! My readers will be shocked as librarians are always good girls aren't they!

As to creating the blog it should have been easy but I managed to create two because my spelling is not very good. So I learnt where the delete function was fairly early on. I also discovered to how to change time fairly early on too. It annoyed me being incorrect. It took a bit of time to find London as the option though I grasped GMT bit immediately. How I wish I was in sunny California. There's lots of potentially here which I'm only just begining to grasp. Wish I'd chosen a more sexy and inventive name for this blog perhaps catalogue girl! Sure I have failed miserably somewhere in this exercise. Comment and let me know. I will endeavour to try and read it - I guess that's the next part of the exercise!

Martha Braithwaite

PS Just discovered I can edit and change the font and stuff


Jane on January 27, 2010 at 5:00 PM said...

Congratulations! Seems like you're getting on just fine :)

One thing though - make sure to tag your posts 'Thing 1', 'Thing 2' etc. Just type it into the 'labels' box underneath the box where you enter your post.

Martha Braithwaite on January 29, 2010 at 12:40 PM said...

Thank you Jane - I missed that part of the instructions. I've done it now!


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