Thursday, February 18, 2010

Makeover Part Two, or Pride comes before a Fall!

A message from Jane today

Hi Fiona,
Apologies for using the decidedly web 1.0 method of communication, but I just tried and failed to put a comment on your newly made-over blog so thought I should let you know how to fix the problem. I've had this problem with templates before, in that they sometimes don't handle the comments settings well. You can fix it by altering your comments settings - go into 'settings' and then 'comments' in Blogger, and then change the option by 'comment form placement' to either 'full page' or 'pop-up window'. This should make it possible for people to comment again.


I did wonder why I'd not had a new comments recently. My poor follower might have been struggling to say how much he hated its makeover!

I was going to blog that the edit function was not working and how I might solve this. (I was going to my dashboard and working from there)

Lets hope it works!


Jane on February 19, 2010 at 9:45 AM said...

Working fine now!


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